Mick Foley Lends a Hand to Former WWE Talent in Brain Cancer Battle, Career Possibly Cut Short

WWE Hall Of Famer Mick Foley (WWE)

Mick Foley, the legendary WWE Hall of Famer, drew attention to the plight of former WWE star Joe Doering, who has been courageously battling brain cancer since 2022.

Doering, a seasoned wrestler with a remarkable career in TNA and AJPW, had previously overcome a brain tumor in 2016, only to face a recurrence of the disease.

Hall Of Famer Mick Foley (WWE)

Foley, known for his empathetic nature, reached out to Doering with a heartfelt message, offering prayers and positive vibes. He also encouraged fans to support Doering by purchasing his merchandise, with proceeds going directly towards his medical expenses.

Unfortunately, a recent report from PWInsider reveals that Doering’s condition remains a serious concern. While he continues to fight against the disease, he has also been struggling with the debilitating side effects of his treatment.

The report suggests that a return to TNA, or any in-ring action, is highly unlikely in the near future, and may even be a permanent absence.

Throughout his career, Big Joe has earned the respect and admiration of his peers, including Dolph Ziggler, who has also shown support in the past.

As Doering sails through this challenging time, the wrestling community remains united in its support, sending thoughts and prayers for his recovery and well-being.