The trailer for Adam Sandler’s upcoming stand-up comedy special, his first in six years, reveals a heartfelt and playful tone. Released on Wednesday, the promo for Adam Sandler: ‘Love You’ teases the Netflix special set to debut on August 27. Directed by Josh Safdie, who co-directed Sandler in the 2019 film Uncut Gems alongside his brother Benny Safdie, the special promises an engaging performance.
The trailer showcases Sandler expressing his affection from the stage in various charming ways. At one point, he says, “You guys are the best. I love you,” and later adds, “I love you. I need you. Help me.”
In a humorous summary of his act, Sandler tells the audience, “So anyways, I talk a lot, and then I sing, and we do a bunch of shit. All right, here it goes.” The clip also features him playing guitar.
Netflix posted the trailer on Instagram with the enthusiastic caption, “The comedy special we’ve been waiting for.”
Produced by Happy Madison and Central Picture, Love You has an extensive production team including Sandler, Safdie, Ronald Bronstein, Eli Bush, Dan Bulla, Carter Hambley, Brian Robinson, Joseph Vecsey, Judit Maull, Eli Thomas, and Perry Sachs. Barry Bernardi, Robert Digby, and John Irwin serve as executive producers.
This special marks Sandler’s return to stand-up since Adam Sandler: 100% Fresh, released by Netflix in October 2018. He has since collaborated on projects like Spaceman, You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah, Murder Mystery 2, and the animated film Leo. Last October, Sandler began his 25-city I Missed You comedy tour.
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