David Lynch, the acclaimed director known for Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks, has recently shared an update on his health. The renowned filmmaker, now 78, revealed that years of smoking have led to an emphysema diagnosis, confining him to his home due to concerns about potential exposure to Covid-19.
Lynch explained, “Emphysema from smoking has left me housebound, whether I like it or not. Even catching a cold would be very harmful for me.” He also mentioned his limited mobility, stating he can only walk a short distance before running out of breath.
Lynch indicated that it is unlikely he will direct another film unless he can do so remotely, a prospect he finds less appealing. However, Lynch addressed concerns about his future in filmmaking after rumors circulated about his possible retirement.
In a message to his fans, Lynch reassured them, “Despite my emphysema, which I attribute to my enjoyment of smoking, I am otherwise in excellent health. I stopped smoking over two years ago, and while I’m filled with happiness, I have no plans to retire. I deeply appreciate your concern.”
His last major project was Showtime’s Twin Peaks: The Return in 2017, which received praise from critics and fans. Lynch’s most recent film was Inland Empire in 2006. Additionally, his 1984 adaptation of Dune has gained renewed attention following the success of Denis Villeneuve’s recent adaptations.
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