Rights Group Documents Series of Violations by Russian Forces in Ukraine


Human Rights Watch’s latest report underscores a damning indictment of Russian actions during the war in Ukraine, describing them as a flagrant disregard for international humanitarian law.

The report highlights atrocities in Bucha and other areas, condemning what it calls a systematic pattern of war crimes. It criticizes the deliberate targeting of civilian infrastructure vital for Ukrainians’ basic needs like electricity, water, and heating, alleging that such actions are integral to the Kremlin’s strategy.

It calls for concerted international action to uphold human rights standards (Twitter)

While commending European nations for their response in hosting Ukrainian refugees, Human Rights Watch also chastises the international community for its delayed action in holding Russian President Vladimir Putin accountable, citing missed opportunities since the onset of hostilities in 2014.

Beyond Ukraine, the report draws attention to the conflict in Ethiopia’s Tigray region, decrying a campaign of ethnic cleansing against the Tigrayan population.

It accuses governments and international bodies of insufficient response to widespread atrocities including summary killings, sexual violence, and forced displacement.

Turning to China, the report criticizes President Xi Jinping’s consolidation of power and the deepening rights abuses under his regime. It notes the tightening grip of a security state and calls for increased scrutiny despite Xi’s extended leadership term.

Human Rights Watch also scrutinizes India, cautioning against overlooking human rights abuses under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party. It warns that global leaders’ strategic alliances risk compromising long-term human rights protections and civic freedoms in India.

Further, the report highlights concerns in Hungary, where Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s government has been accused of undermining democratic institutions under the guise of responding to the Ukraine conflict.

It criticizes new UK laws that undermine human rights protections and raises alarms about the rise of autocratic governance worldwide.

Human Rights Watch stresses the erosion of democratic norms and the rule of law under autocratic regimes, warning against the false narrative of stability at the expense of fundamental human rights and freedoms.

It calls for concerted international action to uphold human rights standards and protect vulnerable populations globally.