Nicole Scherzinger Reflects on Intense Pussycat Dolls Years: ‘Profoundly Overwhelming

Nicole Scherzinger Reflects on Intense Pussycat Dolls Years: 'Profoundly Overwhelming
Nicole Scherzinger Reflects on Intense Pussycat Dolls Years: 'Profoundly Overwhelming

Nicole Scherzinger revealed in a recent interview that her time with the Pussycat Dolls was a “profoundly overwhelming experience,” marked by an intense schedule that left her with significant sleep issues. She recounted the constant travel and lack of rest, describing it as a “recipe for disaster” and highlighting the personal struggles she faced during that period.

Reflecting on the group’s practices, Scherzinger noted that the situation would be different today due to the evolution of workplace standards and a more supportive community.

She emphasized that the relentless work culture of the past contributed to her difficulties with sleep and overall well-being. Scherzinger contrasted the past environment with the present, which she believes is more accommodating and conscious of artists’ needs.

Nicole Scherzinger Reflects on Intense Pussycat Dolls Years: 'Profoundly Overwhelming
Pussycat Dolls

Despite the challenging schedule, Scherzinger stated she never felt exploited regarding her wardrobe. She had some control over her clothing choices, which allowed her to feel empowered and confident. Scherzinger mentioned that she and her bandmates could select outfits they were comfortable with, fostering a sense of agency amid the demanding work conditions.

In 2019, Scherzinger hinted at reuniting with the Pussycat Dolls but later withdrew, leading to a lawsuit from the group’s founder, Robin Antin, for breach of contract. Scherzinger expressed her shock and heartbreak over the legal action but stood her ground with counter-claims, asserting her position firmly. Despite the legal battle, she remains optimistic about the future and her career.

Looking back, Scherzinger acknowledged significant personal growth since her time with the Pussycat Dolls. She has spent years apart from the group, during which she has evolved and gained a deeper understanding of her value. Scherzinger believes this growth will lead to a different reception from the world, as she now approaches her career on her own terms, feeling more empowered and hopeful than before.