Butler’s Big Adventure: ‘The Bikeriders’ and the Wild Ride of Ari Aster’s New Film

Austin Butler - A Wild Adventure (IMDb)

Austin Butler’s rise to leading man status began five years ago with his memorable supporting role in Quentin Tarantino’s “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.” Since then, he has become a sought-after actor, working with acclaimed directors like Baz Luhrmann, Denis Villeneuve, and Jeff Nichols. His latest project, “The Bikeriders,” directed by Nichols, is a 1960s crime drama based on Danny Lyon’s photojournalistic book of the same name.

Austin Butler (IMDb)

Butler plays Benny, a character who refuses to take the reins of his Chicago-area motorcycle club as it descends into organized crime. Despite his character’s stoic nature, Butler brought depth and nuance to the role by writing out Benny’s thoughts in silent moments. He also prepared for the role by training on motorcycles and immersing himself in the biker culture.

Butler’s experience working with Nichols was positive, describing the director as humble, confident, and willing to explore different approaches. He also appreciated Nichols’ poet’s heart and philosopher’s soul, which brought a richness to the film’s themes of masculinity, love, and freedom.

In addition to his work on “The Bikeriders,” Butler recently completed filming for Ari Aster’s upcoming A24 film, “Eddington,” alongside Joaquin Phoenix, Emily Stone, and Pedro Pascal. He describes the experience as a “wild adventure” and a departure from his previous roles.

Throughout his career, Butler has demonstrated his versatility and range, working with a variety of directors and actors. His dedication to his craft and ability to bring depth to his characters have made him a rising star in Hollywood.