Former Eagles Player Shares Emotional Tribute to Deceased Wife

Former Eagles Player, Jeremiah Trotter (Philadelphia Eagles)

Former Eagles linebacker Jeremiah Trotter recently took to Instagram to address the outpouring of support he and his family have received following the death of his wife, Tami, who passed away from cancer two weeks ago. He expressed profound gratitude for the kindness extended to them during this challenging time.

“No words could ever truly capture our gratitude for the love and support we have received since the passing of my beautiful wife,” Trotter shared. “THANK YOU to everyone who sent cards, flowers, made calls, sent texts and DMs, provided meals, and even arranged for a tree to be planted in her honor.

Jeremiah Trotter conveyed his heartfelt thanks for the support and kindness during this difficult time (Philadelphia Eagles)

To those who visited daily, stayed on my couch to ensure I wasn’t alone, helped with cooking and cleaning, and shared laughter and jokes. To the friends who dropped everything to fly in and offer their final goodbyes or support, to my sons’ high school and college teams for showing that family comes before sports, and to those with whom I’ve spent countless hours on the phone—I love you all.”