How WWE Equipped Drew McIntyre for His Inaugural Major Film Role

Drew McIntyre (WWE)

WWE superstar Drew McIntyre has taken a serious step into Hollywood by securing a role in the action-thriller The Killer’s Game, which hit theaters today.

In a recent Reddit Ask Me Anything session, McIntyre discussed how his years in professional wrestling uniquely equipped him for this new challenge in acting.

Having spent nearly two decades capturing WWE audiences, he shared how his wrestling career set the stage for his transition to film.

McIntyre revealed that years in front of the WWE camera helped ease his transition into film (WWE)

McIntyre reflected on how his time in WWE helped him grow more comfortable in front of the camera, an advantage that smoothed his shift to acting. “Getting used to being on camera was the biggest takeaway,” he mentioned, explaining that he felt more at ease performing on screen than in everyday social settings.

His involvement in various WWE storylines, which often required emotional depth and physical action, unknowingly provided him with essential tools for acting. These skills made his adjustment to the film set easier, especially when working alongside The Killer’s Game director J.J. Perry.

WWE’s emphasis on improvisation, McIntyre pointed out, gave him the ability to quickly adapt to different situations during filming. “Wrestling’s improvisation nature prepared me to collaborate easily with J.J.,” he shared.

Initially nervous on set, McIntyre found comfort in advice from fellow wrestler-turned-actor Dave Bautista, who reassured him that nerves are part of the process.

“Seeing that red light felt like being back home after 17 years,” McIntyre said. With The Killer’s Game now in theaters, fans can see McIntyre in his first major role outside the wrestling world.