Bernie Kosar Sues Bigplay LLC Over Alleged Coerced Bet and Job Loss

Bernie Kosar
Bernie Kosar (NFL)

Bernie Kosar, a former quarterback for the Cleveland Browns, has filed a lawsuit against Bigplay LLC, a Cleveland-based media company, and its co-owner Kendall Myles. Kosar alleges that the company coerced him into making a ceremonial bet that ultimately led to his dismissal from the Browns’ pregame radio show in January 2023.

The bet in question was placed on the Browns’ season finale against the Pittsburgh Steelers, a move deemed in violation of the NFL’s strict gambling policies prohibiting team employees from betting.

The lawsuit, filed in April, claims that Kosar was instructed by Bigplay LLC to personally place a $19,000 bet on the Browns to win against the Steelers.

This directive allegedly contradicted the terms outlined in his contract, which specified that Kosar was only supposed to participate in a charity event where he would endorse a bet made via a sports betting app without being financially liable for the outcome or entitled to any winnings.

Bernie Kosar
Bernie Kosar (NFL)

Moreover, Kosar, who famously wore jersey number 19 during his tenure with the Browns, announced on his radio show that any potential winnings from the bet would be donated to charity. The lawsuit asserts that Kendall Myles, one of the defendants, not only misled Kosar about the terms of the agreement but also verbally threatened and assaulted him.

It further claims that Myles attempted to renegotiate the contract terms in September 2023, and when Kosar declined, his contract was abruptly terminated two weeks later.

In seeking more than $900,000 in damages, Kosar’s lawsuit highlights multiple instances where Bigplay LLC allegedly breached the contract terms and mistreated him. The legal action underscores Kosar’s contention that he was unjustly pressured into a betting scenario that jeopardized his standing with the Cleveland Browns and ultimately cost him his role on the pregame radio show.

As of now, there has been no comment from Kendall Myles or his legal representation regarding the allegations put forth in Kosar’s lawsuit.