Hyundai Renews Commitment to Child Safety with CHLA Partnership

Hyundai Renews Commitment with CHLA (Hyundai)

Hyundai Motor America has renewed its collaboration with Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) by donating $150,000 to their Injury Prevention Program, focusing on enhancing safety for child passengers and pedestrians.

This contribution from Hyundai will enable CHLA to conduct more car seat inspection events and expand the LA Street Smarts program, which educates young children about pedestrian safety.

This initiative aligns with Hyundai’s corporate social responsibility program, Hyundai Hope, which aims to foster community health and safety. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), nearly half of car seats and booster seats are improperly installed.

LA Street Smarts Program to Extend Further in Los Angeles and Orange Counties by CHLA and Hyundai (Hyundai)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that correctly used child safety seats can reduce the risk of fatal injury by 71% for infants, 54% for toddlers, and 45% for children aged 4-8. However, the NHTSA’s National Center for Statistics and Analysis reported almost 300 pedestrian deaths in California in 2018.

Educating the community and raising awareness are crucial to preventing such tragedies. CHLA’s Injury Prevention Program will work with community partners to implement evidence-based strategies and innovative technologies to safeguard children, focusing on reducing injuries and fatalities from car accidents and pedestrian mishaps.

With Hyundai’s support, CHLA will continue to host car seat check events where certified technicians will examine car seats for proper installation, fit, expiration dates, and recalls, providing new car seats to families in need.

Additionally, CHLA and Hyundai will extend the LA Street Smarts program to more areas in Los Angeles and Orange Counties. This initiative features a mobile setup with active traffic signals and interactive elements, teaching children essential pedestrian safety skills and highlighting the risks of walking near roads.