Kofi Kingston Set to Undergo Ankle Surgery Today

Kofi Kingston (WWE)

Kofi Kingston is set for surgery due to a recent injury.

On Thursday evening, the New Day member announced on Twitter that he will undergo ankle surgery the following day in Birmingham, Alabama. This injury occurred during a WWE SmackDown episode earlier this month.

Injury During WWE SmackDown Episode Happened Earlier This Month (WWE)

Kingston shared:

“Long post ahead. If you’re not into reading, this might not be for you lol

The folks in Alabama have been incredibly kind. Instead of waiting 15 minutes for an Uber to take me to the YMCA Shades Valley for my workout, I decided to use one of those electric scooters. That turned out to be a mistake. The trip was mostly uphill on semi-highway roads, and I was wearing my air cast walking boot!

I was just a mile away from the @BirminghamYMCA when the scooter stopped working. The YMCA was out of the drop-off range, so I ended up calling an Uber anyway, lol. After 30 minutes and two canceled rides, one finally arrived. I had him stop at Target because I needed lotion (yes, I was still ashy from this morning).

Once I reached the Y, the woman at the desk explained that I needed a member to buy a guest pass, but she kindly vouched for me, allowing me to work out. I really wanted to get some exercise before my surgery tomorrow.

Afterward, I visited a stir fry spot called “Yummefy” with great vegan options. Even though the maps app said they were closed, a nice lady helped me with the best recommendations, and the staff made my food despite being closed. I was truly grateful for their kindness.

To summarize, I am very thankful for the generosity I encountered here in Birmingham today. Tomorrow, it’s time to move forward with the best care available! Let’s get this ankle sorted out!”