Indie Production Alliance the Creatives Targets Investment to Tackle Market Challenges Together

Romain Bessi the appointed CEO of the Creatives Targets Investment (IMDb)

Romain Bessi, a French media executive, has been appointed as the CEO of the Creatives, a coalition of independent production companies. Announced exclusively by Variety, Bessi shared on Tuesday that the group is actively seeking financing to maintain competitiveness in a challenging market and to expand its influence.

At the MIA Market in Rome, Bessi emphasized the need for investment in talent and development to accelerate growth. “We need to invest in a few things in order to grow faster and grow stronger,” he stated. The aim is to find a partner that aligns with their goals, as they do not wish to sell the Creatives but rather raise their operations.

The Creatives Targets Investment (IMDb)

Founded in 2021, the Creatives aims to enhance collaboration among its member companies, facilitating co-productions, launching strategic joint ventures, sharing resources, and combining networks.

The decision to bring Bessi on board stems from a collective desire to formalize the group’s initiatives in light of the increasingly tough market for independent producers. U.K. producer Mike Goodridge of Good Chaos noted the pressure to advance their collaboration, describing their initial informal discussions during the pandemic as resembling a “coffee club.”

Bessi acknowledged the challenges in the market over the past two years, citing factors like the restructuring of global streaming platforms, the ongoing decline in linear advertising, diminishing audiences for traditional broadcasters, and the consolidation among major studios and media entities.

Despite these challenges, he observed that the market remains larger than it was five or ten years ago, albeit smaller than it was two years ago. “The market has become far more selective,” he noted, explaining that commissioners are now spending less money but prioritizing experienced producers who can deliver quality work. “The Creatives serves as a safe house for talent and a reliable partner for commissioners, fostering trust among its members to facilitate collaboration.”

During a session in Rome, Bessi shared the stage with Goodridge and other producers, including Leontine Petit from Lemming Film (Netherlands), Synnøve Hørsdal of Maipo Film (Norway), Carole Scotta of Haut et Court (France), and Roman Paul of Razor Film (Germany).

The Creatives comprises member companies from eight countries, collectively producing around 330 films, including titles like “The Lobster” and “Quo Vadis, Aida?” They have also produced over 50 television shows, such as “The New Pope” and “Monsieur Spade.”

As the market undergoes consolidation, Scotta emphasized the group’s commitment to maintaining their independence. “Most of us have been approached by investor groups, and we needed to find a way to stay independent that fit the way we were working and the DNA we all share,” she explained.

Bessi characterized the partnership within the Creatives as a “very unique situation.” He highlighted that the group is producer-owned, distinguishing it from networks or equity investors, which creates a different mindset.

With strong partnerships in the U.K., France, and Germany, along with access to top talent and extensive production experience, the alliance is preparing for long-term success.

Goodridge noted that the Creatives formed in response to the platforms aggressively acquiring talent and production companies in Europe, aiming to collaborate against such pressures.

“While the platforms have retrenched somewhat, our alliance has strengthened,” he remarked. “The independent film landscape is incredibly challenging right now, and television is facing serious downturns worldwide. Together, we are determined to survive until 2025.”

Echoing this sentiment, Paul from Razor Film affirmed the group’s cooperative philosophy. “Together, we are stronger,” he stated, adding that cooperation fosters empowerment and reduces the misery associated with competition in the industry.