North London Derby Ends with Arsenal Goalkeeper Aaron Ramsdale Kicked by Fan

Aaron Ramsdale (Arsenal)

Arsenal goalkeeper Aaron Ramsdale was attacked by a spectator following Arsenal’s 2-0 victory over Tottenham at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London on Sunday.

The incident occurred after the final whistle when Ramsdale went behind the net to retrieve his water bottle. A spectator leapt onto an advertising board and appeared to kick Ramsdale in the back.

This behavior is wholly unacceptable, and we will work together with the police (Arsenal)

Reflecting on the incident, Ramsdale explained, “The Spurs fans were giving me some stick during the second half, so I gave a bit back. It was mostly good-natured, but then a fan tried to jump over and hit me.

It’s disappointing because, at the end of the day, it’s just a game of football. Thankfully, the players helped pull me away and nothing serious happened, but it left a sour taste. We’ll enjoy the win in the dressing room, though.”

Tottenham expressed their outrage at the behavior and confirmed they are collaborating with the London Metropolitan Police, Arsenal, and Ramsdale to identify the culprit and impose an immediate ban.

“We are appalled by the behavior of a supporter who attempted to attack Aaron Ramsdale at the end of today’s match. Violence in any form has no place in football,” Tottenham stated.

“We are reviewing CCTV footage to identify the supporter and will take the strongest possible action, including an immediate ban from the stadium.” The Professional Footballers’ Association (PFA) also condemned the attack, emphasizing the need for player safety. “Violence towards players is completely unacceptable.

These incidents are happening far too often. Players have a right to be safe in their place of work. We expect the laws and regulations in place to protect them to be properly enforced.

As the players’ union, we treat this as a priority issue and will continue working with authorities to demand better protection for players and staff,” the PFA said. The Football Association (FA) echoed these sentiments, condemning the spectator’s actions and promising to work with all relevant parties to ensure appropriate measures are taken.

“We strongly condemn the incident involving a spectator following today’s Premier League fixture between Tottenham Hotspur and Arsenal. This behavior is wholly unacceptable, and we will work together with the police, relevant authorities, and clubs to ensure appropriate action is taken,” the FA stated.

Despite the incident, Arsenal’s victory leaves them eight points clear at the top of the Premier League standings, ahead of second-place Manchester City.