Rajkummar Rao recently posted images of a deleted scene from Stree 2 on Instagram, showcasing him dressed as a woman with long hair. The actor captioned the post, “Here’s one of my favorite scenes that didn’t make the final cut. Would you like to see this scene in the film?
Let me know!” In response, Amar Kaushik, the film’s director, commented, “Sometimes you have to let go of your favorite scenes for the screenplay to work, but I agree it’s a funny one. It will show up somewhere soon.”
The post’s comments section quickly filled with amusing reactions. Shraddha Kapoor playfully referenced Rajkummar Rao’s comedic moment in the film, writing, “Yes! Vicky, please add it in, lo lo lo lo.” Maddock Films, the film’s production company, remarked, “How can someone be so beautiful?”
Farah Khan humorously suggested, “I want to see you like this at our next dinner at my house.” Vijay Varma added, “Hahaha, I’d pay to see this.” Bhumi Pednekar expressed enthusiasm with, “Now I have to watch this.”
Guneet Monga also showed interest, stating, “Yes! I’ll pay to see this.” Triptii Dimri chimed in with, “Hahahaha, killing it.” Huma Qureshi urged, “Hahaha, release the deleted scene from Stree 2.”
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