Jenna Ortega has shared which Denzel Washington film ignited her passion for acting. In a recent Vanity Fair interview, Ortega, known for her roles in Scream, You, Wednesday, and the upcoming Beetlejuice sequel, revealed that the 2004 film Man on Fire was a pivotal influence in her decision to pursue a career in Hollywood. She described the film as having “changed the entire course of my existence.”
Reflecting on her younger self, Ortega mentioned, “I’m so appreciative of my six-year-old self who wanted to be a president and an astronaut… because I realize now that I was always looking for a way out.” Man on Fire, directed by Tony Scott and starring Washington alongside Dakota Fanning, tells the story of a former CIA operative who embarks on a vengeful mission to rescue a kidnapped girl he was hired to protect.
Ortega recounted that Fanning’s role in the film had a profound impact on her, setting her on a path toward Hollywood. Her journey began after her mother shared a video of Ortega performing a dramatic monologue on Facebook, which a family friend forwarded to a casting director. This eventually led to Ortega and her mom driving to L.A. for auditions.
Recently, Ortega has been grappling with the realities of her evolving career, noting, “There’s so much about the pressure in this line of work that it’s laughable and beautiful and awful,” often simultaneously.
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