“Moana 2,” initially envisioned as a streaming television series, has officially joined the billion-dollar box office club, cementing its place as a monumental success for Disney. The animated sequel has earned $445 million in domestic markets and $567 million internationally, reaching a global total of $1.009 billion after just eight weekends in theaters.
This achievement marks Disney’s third billion-dollar release in 2024, following the successes of Inside Out 2 and Deadpool & Wolverine, solidifying the studio’s dominance during a standout year. By contrast, none of its competitors managed to reach the billion-dollar threshold, though Universal came close with Despicable Me 4, which grossed $969 million.
Debuting on November 28, Moana 2 shattered Thanksgiving box office records, raking in $225 million over the five-day holiday period and surpassing the previous record of $125 million set by Frozen II in 2019.
Despite receiving mixed reviews from critics, the film thrived on strong word-of-mouth among audiences and maintained its position in the domestic top five for seven consecutive weekends. Now in its eighth weekend, the film sits at No. 6, earning $6.1 million over the weekend and $8.4 million during the extended Martin Luther King Jr. holiday period.
The extraordinary success of Moana 2 offers significant encouragement for theatrical releases, particularly since the sequel was originally planned as a series for Disney+ before being reimagined as a full-length feature film.
With the film’s massive box office haul, Disney and theater owners alike are reaping the benefits, and Moana 2 is expected to generate even more revenue through home entertainment sales before eventually landing on Disney’s streaming platform.
The first Moana, which debuted in 2016, was a modest success with a global box office total of $680 million. However, it gained a significant second life on Disney+, where it remains one of the platform’s most-watched titles.
Following the animated sequel’s overwhelming success, Disney is developing a live-action remake of the original film, slated for release in 2026. The impressive performance of Moana 2 also suggests that a third installment in the oceanic adventure franchise is likely on the horizon.
Dwayne Johnson and Auli’i Cravalho reprised their iconic roles as the tattooed demigod Maui and the intrepid wayfinder Moana in the sequel. In this new chapter, Moana embarks on a daring journey across the ocean to discover a hidden island and lift a devastating curse.
While Lin-Manuel Miranda, the composer behind hits like How Far I’ll Go and You’re Welcome from the first film, did not return for the sequel, songwriting duties were handed to Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear, the Grammy-winning duo behind The Unofficial Bridgerton Musical.
Their fresh contributions helped Moana 2 sail to monumental heights, setting the stage for what could be an even brighter future for the franchise.