Kevin Nash Addresses Logan Paul’s ‘Strange’ Video in Latest Response

Kevin Nash and Logan Paul (WWE)

Recently, an unexpected online feud emerged between wrestling icons Kevin Nash and Logan Paul. The controversy ignited when Nash stated on his podcast, “Kliq This,” that Paul “wasn’t one of the boys.” In response, Paul took to Twitter, labeling Nash a “bitter old man” and ending his video with a bold “f**k you,” echoing Nash’s earlier sentiments.

A week later, Nash addressed Paul’s reaction on “Kliq This,” expressing his lack of admiration for Paul’s video response. “I thought that was weird,” he remarked.

Nash clarified his comments, explaining his “f**k you” remark was said in character to create soundbites (WWE)

However, as the conversation continued, Nash appeared to soften his stance toward Paul. He acknowledged Paul’s athletic abilities and creativity in the ring, while also disputing claims made by another wrestler about Paul’s supposed forgetfulness regarding his matches. Additionally, Nash sought to clarify his previous comments.

“I didn’t say ‘Fk you,’ I said ‘Fk you’ from the boys…I guess I’m one of the boys, so technically, I don’t have a stake in this,” Nash explained. “I genuinely appreciate that the boys are earning good money. My comments were more in character, just embellishing a bit because you know that creates soundbites.”