Keke Palmer is set to star in a new Peacock series based on the beloved dark comedy “The ‘Burbs,” which has been ordered straight to series. The adaptation will be led by Celeste Hughey, known for her work on shows like “Palm Royale” and “Dead to Me.” Hughey will also serve as an executive producer, with Seth MacFarlane and Brian Grazer of Imagine Entertainment joining as executive producers. Dana Olsen, who penned the original film, will co-executive produce the series.
Filming will take place on the Universal Studios backlot, replicating the setting of the 1989 film that starred Tom Hanks and Carrie Fisher. The new series is set in modern-day suburbia, where a young couple’s return to the husband’s childhood home is disrupted by new, mysterious neighbors. These newcomers stir up old secrets and bring unsettling threats that challenge the peaceful façade of their neighborhood.
Palmer, known for her Emmy-winning performances and roles in “Nope” and “Hustlers,” will not only star but also take on an executive producer role. MacFarlane’s Fuzzy Door will handle production, with Erica Huggins and Aimee Carlson involved. Grazer’s Imagine Entertainment will also be on board, with Kristen Zolner and Natalie Berkus overseeing. Dana Olsen will co-executive produce.
This new project continues Peacock’s trend of reimagining Universal’s classic properties for streaming platforms, joining other reboots like “Ted” and “Bel-Air.” Palmer’s diverse career, including her achievements as a host and musician, will bring a fresh perspective to the series, which is set to explore new dimensions of the original film’s quirky, suspenseful narrative.
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