Despite their shared surname, Pharrell Williams and Robbie Williams are embarking on unique journeys to tell their life stories through innovative mediums. Pharrell’s narrative reveals in Piece by Piece, an animated film by Focus Features, directed by Oscar-winner Morgan Neville, renowned for 20 Feet from Stardom. This project utilizes Lego bricks to chronicle Pharrell’s journey from his Virginia Beach roots to his fame as one half of The Neptunes.
At the Patron’s Brunch in Colorado, Pharrell mingled with guests, including Academy voters, expressing his enthusiasm for the festival’s embrace of his animated work. The film, featured as a surprise patron screening, gave Telluride audiences an imaginative look into Pharrell’s world, complete with Lego-animated interviews from peers like Jay-Z, Snoop Dogg, and Gwen Stefani.
Despite being categorized as an animated biopic, Piece by Piece also seeks recognition in the documentary feature category, even though the Documentary Branch has traditionally shied away from films employing re-enactments. Pharrell’s narration of his childhood memories through animation echoes the approach of the 2021 documentary The Rescue, which also faced challenges with the Documentary Branch despite its creative storytelling.
The film’s soundtrack, rich with ’90s and 2000s hits, is expected to appeal to millennials and music enthusiasts, potentially leading to commercial success. The movie’s five original songs, especially the titular track co-written by Pharrell, may vie for the best original song category. Focus Features is also pushing for a best picture nomination, recognizing the potential of animation in top categories.
On the other hand, Paramount Pictures’ Better Man, directed by Michael Gracey of The Greatest Showman fame, depicts Robbie Williams through the lens of CGI, casting him as an animated monkey. The film, introduced at the Chuck Jones Theater, follows Robbie’s tumultuous journey from boy band fame to personal struggles, voiced with raw honesty. The movie’s visual effects, sound, and production design are anticipated to garner serious attention.
Robbie’s vocal performance may resonate similarly to acclaimed motion capture roles, offering a new perspective on an artist less known in the U.S. Both films highlight a fresh approach to storytelling, showcasing the vulnerabilities and artistry of their subjects in novel ways.
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