Jennifer Hale, renowned for her diverse voice work in animation and video games, from “Avatar: The Last Airbender” to “Star Wars: The Clone Wars,” has lent her voice to a myriad of memorable characters. Known for her distinctive roles, she stands out as one of the most prominent voices in the gaming world.
Currently, the gaming industry is at a standstill due to a strike initiated by SAG-AFTRA against major video game publishers on July 25. This strike, which follows a year of stalled negotiations, mirrors the actors and writers strikes of the previous year. Central to these disputes is the issue of AI. Hale draws a stark comparison, likening AI to a hammer that can either build or destroy. “AI is coming for all of us,” Hale asserts. “It’s a tool like a hammer; it can construct or it can obliterate.”
The strike is particularly challenging due to its existential implications. Hale notes that SAG-AFTRA’s recent counter-offer to video game companies is part of an interim agreement signed by nearly 70 developers. The National Association of Voice Actors has also lobbied Congress, advocating for bills like the “NO FAKES Act,” which aims to safeguard individuals’ voices and likenesses from generative AI. Hale encourages fans to support such measures by contacting their representatives.
Hale recalls her early work on the “Metal Gear” series, where she voiced Naomi Hunter. Despite the game’s $176 million revenue, Hale was compensated minimally—$1,200 for two sessions. “There’s a lot of money being made. Where is it going?” she asks. “In our current system, money often flows to the top 1%, neglecting those who made it possible.”
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