Set to make waves with its South Korean release, “Victory” has generated interest globally before its commercial debut. Directed by Park Beom-su, acclaimed for “Single in Seoul” and “Red Carpet,” this inspiring cheerleading drama chronicles the journey of a high-school dance duo who uplift their village with a moving cheerleading act, alongside an underdog soccer team from a remote island.
The film has been secured by various distributors: 815 Pictures for North America, Sky Films Entertainment for Taiwan, Lumix Media for Vietnam, PT Prima Cinema Multimedia for Indonesia, House of M for Thailand, Emphasis Video Entertainment for inflight markets, and Westec Media Limited for Cambodia. Rights were negotiated by Seoul-based sales agency Finecut.
“Victory” debuted as the opening film at the New York Asian Film Festival and is slated for release in Korea on August 14. Subsequent releases are scheduled for North America and Vietnam on August 16, with Indonesia, Taiwan, Cambodia, and Thailand following from late August through September.
Lee Hye-ri, known from “My Punch Drunk Boxer” and “Reply 1998,” stars alongside Park Se-wan, recognized for “Life Is Beautiful” and “6/45,” as the dynamic dance duo. Cho A-ram, familiar from TV series “Thank You” and “Doctor Cha,” portrays a former Seoul cheerleader now residing in the village, while Lee Jung Ha, known for Disney+’s “Moving,” plays the struggling goalkeeper of the school soccer team.
Produced by Annapurna Films under Lee Anna, noted for hits like “Sunny” and “Scandal Makers,” and presented by Mindmark, a cultural content IP company of the Shinsegae Group, “Victory” joins a roster including “Brave Citizen,” “Love Reset,” and “Honey Sweet,” with upcoming projects like Hur Jin-ho’s “A Normal Family” and “Boss.”
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