Slated for a prestigious awards-season release, the acclaimed animated feature “Flow” will debut in New York and Los Angeles on November 22, followed by a broader national release. This film, which gained international acclaim at the Cannes Film Festival and represents Latvia’s bid for the Best International Feature Oscar, is set to be distributed in the U.S. by Janus Films and Sideshow, renowned for their roles in promoting titles like “EO,” “All That Breathes,” and “Drive My Car.”
The narrative of “Flow” centers around a courageous cat whose home is ravaged by a massive flood. Joined by an eclectic group including a capybara, a lemur, a bird, and a dog, the cat undertakes a daring boat journey in search of safety. The ensemble must rely on mutual trust and bravery to pass the perils of their new aquatic environment.
With an extensive marketing push planned, “Flow” is positioning itself for potential nominations in both the international feature and animated feature categories. It aims to replicate the success of “Flee” (2021), which earned nominations in both documentary and animated feature categories. This year also sees Focus Features’ “Piece by Piece,” a Lego-style documentary about Pharrell Williams, competing for accolades in similar categories.
Having premiered in Cannes’ Un Certain Regard section, “Flow” went on to win four awards at the Annecy Film Festival, including the Audience Award and the Jury Award. It currently boasts a flawless 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Peter Debruge of Variety hails it as “hypnotic” and distinctively innovative compared to other animated films.
Directed by Gints Zilbalodis, who also composed the film’s score with Rihards Zalupe and co-wrote the script with Matiss Kaza, “Flow” will be distributed in Benelux by Le Parc Distribution and in France by UFO starting in October. Zilbalodis, who made his feature debut with “Away” at 24, continues to showcase his unique vision with this latest project.
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