North American distribution rights for the animated film “Panda Bear in Africa” have been acquired by Shout! Studios from Cinema Management Group (CMG). The movie follows Pang, a young panda who journeys from China to Africa to rescue his friend Jielong the dragon, encountering diverse African wildlife along the way. Pang’s adventure highlights his cleverness and new friendships as he strives to save his friend’s jungle home.
Directed and written by Richard Claus and Karsten Kiilerich, known for “The Little Vampire” and “Ruby and Raggie,” the film also features a co-writing credit from Robert Spackling, who has worked on “Gnomeo & Juliet” and “The Queen’s Corgi.”
This international project includes contributions from Cool Beans and Katuni in Amsterdam, A. Film Production in Denmark, Comet Film in Germany, and Le Pacte in France. “Panda Bear in Africa” was officially selected for the 2024 Annecy International Film Festival and saw extensive sales across Europe and the Middle East in June.
Shout! Studios’ latest acquisition is their fourth partnership with CMG, following titles such as “The Canterville Ghost,” “Ainbo: Spirit of the Amazon,” and “The Little Vampire 3D.” This multi-year agreement grants Shout! Studios North American distribution rights, covering theatrical releases, home entertainment, and other media platforms.
The deal was finalized by Jordan Fields, senior VP of acquisitions and originals at Shout! Studios, and Edward Noeltner for CMG and the producers. Melissa Boag, executive VP of family entertainment at Shout! Studios, expressed enthusiasm for the collaboration, praising the film’s engaging story and positive messages. Edward Noeltner, CMG’s president, also voiced his pleasure at partnering with Shout! Studios again, noting their previous success in both media coverage and economic returns.
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