Shah Rukh Khan, the celebrated Bollywood star, received a distinguished career achievement honor at the 77th Locarno Film Festival on Saturday. Known for his charm and wit, Khan’s acceptance speech combined heartfelt cinema reflections with his signature humor.
Addressing the enthusiastic audience of 8,000 in Piazza Grande, Khan humorously noted the warm welcome he received. “Thank you for embracing me with open arms—wider than the ones I spread on screen,” he joked, referencing his iconic on-screen pose.
The actor, affectionately called SRK or King Khan, complimented the festival’s picturesque location. “Locarno is beautiful, cultural, artistic, and incredibly hot,” he said with a smile. “So many people packed into a small square and it’s sweltering—just like home in India.”
On that day, Locarno’s temperature soared to 95º F (35º C), adding to the festival’s heat and humidity. Shifting to a more serious tone, Khan shared his insights on cinema and creativity. “Cinema is the most impactful artistic medium of our time,” he asserted. “Being a part of it for years has taught me valuable lessons.”
He highlighted art’s universal purpose, emphasizing that it transcends boundaries and doesn’t need to be political or preachy. “Art and cinema should simply express heartfelt truths,” he said, describing this authenticity as the pinnacle of creativity.
Khan also explored the link between creativity and emotion, stating, “Creativity is intertwined with love, a universal language that everyone understands.” Reflecting on his diverse film roles over his 35-year career, he humorously described his various personas, from villains to heroes.
His playful side resurfaced when he struggled to pronounce the name of his award, the Pardo alla Carriera Ascona-Locarno Tourism. “This award, which I can’t pronounce, I’ll call the ‘Leopard award for being the most awesome in the world, in humility and kindness,’” he joked.
Festival director Giona A. Nazzaro praised Khan for his artistry and dedication, highlighting his role in inspiring many through his work. In closing, Khan expressed his commitment to continuing to push his acting boundaries, promising to bring more emotions and joy to his audience. As the audience cheered, Khan made a final attempt at the award’s name, humorously suggesting a shorter alternative: “Just ‘arrivederci.’”
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