Disney recently looked into “Tron: Ares,” the third film in its sci-fi franchise exploring a digital universe within a computer system. This first look was revealed by cast members Jared Leto, Evan Peters, Greta Lee, and Jeff Bridges during a lengthy presentation at the D23 Expo.
At the end of the preview, a title card announced that Nine Inch Nails, the band fronted by Trent Reznor and joined by Atticus Ross, composed the film’s score. Reznor and Ross, renowned for their Oscar-winning work on “The Social Network” and “Soul,” made a brief appearance on stage following the announcement.
In the film, Leto portrays Ares, a digital entity tasked with infiltrating the physical world. Lee plays Eve Kim, a gifted programmer whose groundbreaking work paves the way for Ares’s entry into reality. Peters takes on the role of Julian Dillinger, a character whose surname harks back to the antagonist of the 1982 original “Tron.”
The footage opens with Dillinger presenting a vision of humanity’s future, asserting that the search for intelligent life should focus on technology rather than outer space.
This is followed by scenes of Ares interacting with the real world, expressing confusion and a quest for meaning. The preview also features dramatic visuals, including a car sliced by a light cycle and Bridges in white robes delivering the iconic line, “Greetings, program.”
Directed by Joachim Rønning and written by Jesse Wigutow and Jack Thorne, “Tron: Ares” includes a diverse cast such as Jodie Turner-Smith, Gillian Anderson, and Hasan Minaj. Reflecting on the franchise’s journey, Bridges expressed astonishment at its lasting impact since the 1982 original.
Although Bridges reprises his role, Garrett Hedlund and Olivia Wilde from “Tron: Legacy” will not be returning. Leto, who joined the project as both star and producer in 2017, is working alongside producers Justin Springer, Jeffrey Silver, and Emma Ludbrook.
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