Enzo Amore, also known as nZo or Real1, recounted an amusing incident from his time in NXT during a recent interview with Wrestling Shoot Interviews. He detailed an unusual episode involving a hefty fine and his dismissal from WWE, all stemming from a loud flatulence. This event occurred before Amore and Big Cass were promoted to the main roster following WrestleMania 32.
Amore described how he inadvertently caused a commotion during a Dusty Rhodes promo class. He was expelled from the class and subsequently fired by WWE that evening.
The following morning, Amore contacted Triple H, who helped him regain his position. Despite his reinstatement, he faced a $250 fine and was removed from shows, which led to a losing streak for him and Big Cass in NXT.
Reflecting on the incident, Amore explained that his loud fart was the result of an attempt to make his promo memorable. He had anticipated it would serve as his promo, intending to add humor to the situation when Baron Corbin was delivering a subpar promo.
Amore humorously noted that he thought the noise, which sounded like a duck’s quack, would be entertaining to Dusty Rhodes. His plan was to avoid performing a traditional promo by letting his flatulence serve that purpose.
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