Walt Disney Animation Studios has offered a glimpse of “Zootopia 2,” the eagerly awaited follow-up to the 2016 blockbuster. At D23, Ginnifer Goodwin excitedly announced from the stage, “the bunny is back!”
Goodwin, reflecting on her experience, said, “‘Zootopia’ is my happy place,” and expressed her anticipation for fans to join the new journey. Disney hinted at the return of beloved characters like Mr. Big, Clawhauser, and Flash the Sloth, while introducing new faces.
Ke Huy Quan, known for roles in “Loki” and “Indiana Jones,” voices Gary, a “creepy, slithery, highly venomous viper.” Gary is central to the new storyline involving Nick and Judy, who are still serving as animal cops. The D23 clip showed Nick and Judy investigating Gary in the Marsh Market, a vibrant area filled with semi-aquatic animals and various amusing scenes such as hippos getting tattoos and seals eating algae.
Jared Bush, who co-wrote the original “Zootopia,” returns to pen and direct the sequel. Jason Bateman and Ginnifer Goodwin will reprise their roles as Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps. The sequel’s storyline follows the pair as they tackle their most perilous and intricate case to date.
The first “Zootopia” film premiered in 2016 with a record-breaking $75 million opening for a non-Pixar Disney animated film at that time, a title now held by “Frozen 2.” The film finally earned $341 million domestically and almost double that internationally, accumulating over $1 billion worldwide, making it the third highest-grossing animated Disney film, trailing “Frozen” and “Frozen II.”
In 2022, Disney+ released “Zootopia+,” a miniseries featuring seven-minute shorts with supporting characters from the franchise. The series, directed by Trent Corey and Josie Trinidad, expanded the “Zootopia” universe. Jared Bush wrote the script for the sequel, with Jennifer Lee and Yvett Merino producing.
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