Pixar Animation Studios is working on “Incredibles 3,” with Brad Bird, the creator behind the original “The Incredibles” and its 2018 sequel, set to return as writer and director. The announcement came from Pixar chief Pete Docter during Disney’s grand presentation at the D23 Expo on Friday.
While Docter shared no additional details about the upcoming film, the news follows the tremendous success of “Inside Out 2,” which has recently surpassed “Incredibles 2” as Pixar’s top-grossing film and “Frozen II” as the highest-grossing animated movie of all time.
A release date for the third installment has yet to be announced. The first “The Incredibles” depicted Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl’s struggle to adapt to a normal life despite a government ban on superheroes. The original film grossed over $630 million globally, while the sequel earned $1.24 billion worldwide.
Even though “Incredibles 2” was released 14 years after the original, it picked up immediately where the first film left off. The original voice cast returned, including Craig T. Nelson as Mr. Incredible (Bob Parr), Holly Hunter as Elastigirl (Helen Parr), Sarah Vowell as Violet Parr, Samuel L. Jackson as Frozone (Lucius Best), and Bird as Edna Mode, the quirky superhero costume designer. Huckleberry Milner replaced Spencer Fox as the voice of Dash Parr, the super-fast young hero.
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