India Amarteifio, acclaimed for her role in Netflix’s Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story, is set to star in a new coming-of-age romance alongside Damian Hardung, known for his work in Maxton Hall. The upcoming film, Into the Deep Blue, is distinguished by winning the prestigious Nicholl Fellowship, an honor from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
The narrative follows the lives of Nick (Hardung) and Fiona (Amarteifio), two close friends who meet in a support group and grapple with their individual struggles following outstanding losses. A synopsis reveals that their feelings for each other come to the forefront during a weekend trip, creating a situation where they must either confront their emotions or end their relationship.
Jennifer Archer, the screenwriter and novelist behind the project, won the Nicholl Fellowship in 2022 for this screenplay, which will also be adapted into a novel soon. Currently, Hardung stars in Maxton Hall — The World Between Us, a record-setting international series on Amazon. Amarteifio’s performance in Queen Charlotte has also been widely praised, with the series amassing over 307 million hours of viewership.
Directed by Jonathan Wright, known for Awakening the Zodiac, and produced by Aletha Shepherd and Jennifer Presser from Shot of Tea, the film will be shot in the U.K. Presser shared her excitement about the project, stating, “This film delves deeply into themes of grief, friendship, and personal development. We’re thrilled to have India and Damian onboard, as their exceptional talents will uplift the film remarkably.”
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