Scheduled for release in 2027, Disney’s “Frozen 3” aims to resolve lingering questions from the previous films. Jennifer Lee, Disney’s chief creative officer, wrapped up the Disney Animation announcements by revealing concept art for the musical “Frozen 3.” Created by Britney Lee, the artwork features Elsa riding a white horse and Anna on a brown stag.
Lee, who co-wrote and co-directed the Oscar-winning animated feature “Frozen” with Chris Buck, also worked on “Frozen II.” Both films are set in the fictional kingdom of Arendelle and star Kristen Bell as Anna, Idina Menzel as Elsa, Jonathan Groff as Kristoff, and Josh Gad as the snowman Olaf.
The original “Frozen,” inspired by Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale “The Snow Queen,” premiered in 2013 and quickly became a global phenomenon, earning $1.28 billion and ranking as the fifth highest-grossing film of all time, now standing at No. 22.
The film’s soundtrack, featuring hits like “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” and the Oscar-winning “Let It Go,” composed by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, sold over 4.1 million copies by June 2016 and garnered more than 51 million streams. It also won the Oscar for Best Animated Feature.
Released in 2019, “Frozen II” exceeded its predecessor’s success, grossing $1.45 billion worldwide and becoming the 14th highest-grossing film, peaking at No. 10. The sequel delved deeper into Arendelle’s magical realm, introducing new locations and creatures.
Beyond the films, the “Frozen” franchise has expanded into TV specials, short films, a Broadway musical, an ice-skating show, and more.
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