The stage is set for an exciting live adaptation. Disney has announced that Hugh Jackman’s beloved project, “The Greatest Showman,” will be transformed into a live stage production. During a surprise announcement at D23 in Anaheim on Friday, Disney disclosed a preview of upcoming musical theater shows, including new dates for “Frozen” and a forthcoming “Hercules” musical slated for the West End.
After a series of energetic performances from casts of shows like “The Lion King” and “Beauty and the Beast,” the arena was electrified by the iconic music from the 2017 film. The crowd was treated to a live performance of “The Greatest Show” from “The Greatest Showman.”
Ryan Vasquez, known for his role in “The Notebook” on Broadway, appeared as P. T. Barnum, with four other performers, under the banner “The Greatest Showman: The New Musical.”
D23 host Yvette Nicole Brown later confirmed that a stage adaptation of the project is in development, though specifics about the timing and location were not disclosed. With nine memorable tracks created by Oscar-winning duo Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, this musical is set to make its mark in the theater world.
Since its release, “The Greatest Showman” has enthralled audiences with its dynamic storytelling and compelling performances. The film emerged as a cultural sensation, earning over $435 million globally and establishing a devoted fanbase.
Its soundtrack, featuring hits like “This Is Me,” “A Million Dreams,” and “The Greatest Show,” topped charts and garnered numerous accolades. The film also starred Zac Efron and Michelle Williams.
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