On Friday, Kate Bacik from England will enter the Invicta FC cage, aiming to extend her winning streak to five fights. Despite a relatively short stint in professional MMA, Bacik’s extensive background in various combat disciplines has remarkably contributed to her success.
“I started my training journey at 17, focusing mainly on muay thai and kickboxing,” Bacik shared. “Eventually, I shifted towards MMA-style training, though I wasn’t fully immersed in it at that time. My path also involved outstanding grappling before I returned to kickboxing.”
Looking further back, Bacik’s fighting spirit began well before her MMA career. She was known for her propensity to engage in physical confrontations from a young age.
“I’ve been a fighter for as long as I can remember,” she explained. “Growing up, I often found myself in fights, not always in formal competitive environments.” These early conflicts occurred in various settings, and while she was reticent to provide specifics, Bacik revealed that she felt at ease in such situations.
“My mom might say it best,” Bacik laughed. “I was always up for a scrap. I hung out with people who pushed my buttons, leading to frequent altercations. I never felt afraid; in fact, I enjoyed it. It turns out I might be a bit of a thrill-seeker, but I’m glad I found a lawful outlet for that drive.”
Fortunately, Bacik’s transition to a structured career came with the help of a friend.
“A friend introduced me to a muay thai gym when I was 17,” she recalled. “It was a perfect match for my energy and ambitions.” Now, Bacik is set to continue her winning streak as she takes on Paula Cristina at Invicta FC 56. The match will be broadcast live on CBS Sports starting at 9pm EST.
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