Production is currently in progress in London for “In the Shadows,” a biopic featuring BAFTA-winning actress Jasmine Jobson as Ramla Ali, a pioneering female boxing champion. Jobson, celebrated for her performance in “Top Boy,” portrays Ali, who pursued her dream to become the first Somali-British professional boxing champion against all odds.
Finn Cole, known for “Peaky Blinders” and “Last Breath,” stars alongside Jobson as Richard Moore, Ali’s husband, while Gershwyn Eustache Jr, recognized from “Andor” and “Small Axe,” takes on the role of Ali’s boxing coach. The real-life couple, Ali and Moore, are also serving as executive producers for the film.
Describing the film’s purpose, the plot synopsis reveals that “In the Shadows” weaves a distinctive love story with a rich family drama, illustrating the trials and triumphs faced by Ramla and Richard, a mixed-race couple. The narrative highlights their journey through racial and cultural obstacles, showcasing their collective strength and support as role models for future generations.
Jobson expressed her excitement about portraying Ramla Ali, stating, “It’s a profound honor to bring her remarkable story to life. Celebrating her achievements as a trailblazing athlete and an inspiring Somali woman who overcame adversity is both thrilling and crucial for educating and empowering others.”
Ali praised Jobson’s talent, saying, “Jasmine’s performance in ‘Top Boy’ won my admiration. Her deep understanding of London’s challenges and her authenticity will vividly bring my story to the screen.”
Ramla Ali made history as the first Somali boxer to compete in the 2020 Olympics and achieved a groundbreaking professional boxing match in Saudi Arabia. In 2023, she earned her first IBF Intercontinental title at Madison Square Garden and was named one of TIME magazine’s Women of the Year.
The film is directed by Anthony Wonke, an Emmy Award and three-time BAFTA-winning documentary filmmaker making his narrative fiction debut, with Ursula Rani Sarma, known for “Bodkin” and “Delicious,” penning the screenplay.
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