The sequel to Practical Magic is poised to honor the charm of its beloved predecessor. Denise Di Novi, who produced the original 1998 film and will return as co-producer for the new installment, shared with People magazine that the upcoming film will stay faithful to the nature of the first movie.
Di Novi discussed how many sequels falter by trying to reinvent the wheel or deviate too much from the original. She emphasized that the new film will respect the profound impact the original had on its audience, especially women, and will maintain its heartfelt themes.
She highlighted the joy, themes of sisterhood, family bonds, acceptance, and love that defined the first movie. According to Di Novi, the concept of everyday magic—illustrated by Alice Hoffman’s work—is integral to the film’s narrative and will be thoughtfully incorporated.
It has been confirmed that Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman will return for the sequel, with Akiva Goldsman, a contributor to the original film, writing the screenplay. Both Bullock and Kidman will also be involved in production, alongside Di Novi.
Though specific plot details are not yet available, the sequel will adapt Hoffman’s The Book of Magic, the fourth entry in the Practical Magic series. The original film showcased Bullock and Kidman as orphaned sisters from a witchy lineage grappling with a curse affecting their romantic prospects.
Di Novi noted the enthusiastic response to the sequel’s announcement on TikTok, which has been incredibly touching. She also expressed excitement about the reunion of Bullock and Kidman, praising their exceptional careers and the opportunity to work together once more.
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