In a new BBC animated special set to air this Christmas, Tiddler, Hannah Waddingham of Ted Lasso fame will take center stage. The special, crafted by BBC and Magic Light Pictures, adapts the beloved U.K. picture book by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. The story follows a small grey fish with a vivid imagination who becomes lost in the vast ocean and finds salvation through his storytelling.
Waddingham, known for her roles in Ted Lasso and Game of Thrones, will serve as the narrator. Joining her are Lolly Adefope from Ghosts and Saltburn as Miss Skate, Jayde Adams from Ruby Speaking and Alma’s Not Normal as Plaice, and Rob Brydon of Gavin and Stacey and The Trip, who voices multiple characters including Fisherman, Whale, Starfish, and Anchovy.
Child actors Reuben Kirby and Theo Fraser will voice Tiddler and Johnny Dory, respectively. The special promises an underwater journey that highlights the importance of imagination and self-confidence in sailing across life’s challenges.
Waddingham expressed her delight in narrating the special, noting that it resonates with the universal experience of feeling like a small entity in a vast world. She fondly recalled reading Donaldson and Scheffler’s books to her daughter and is thrilled to see one of their stories come to life through animation.
Donaldson praised the adaptation for capturing the purpose of storytelling and imagination, key themes of her work. She particularly noted the impressive performances by the young actors in bringing the story to life.
Tiddler marks the 12th animated special produced by Magic Light Pictures for the BBC, following the success of last year’s Tabby McTat, which drew an audience of 8.6 million viewers.
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