Hugh Jackman recently shared a heartwarming story about reconnecting with Ke Huy Quan, more than two decades after they last worked together on X-Men, which introduced Jackman as Wolverine. The actor posted a picture of their reunion at Kevin Feige’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star ceremony, accompanied by a voiceover reflecting on their long-awaited meet-up.
Jackman expressed how these moments remind him of his 25 years portraying Wolverine, saying, “Seeing Ke Huy Quan again was special. He recently won an Oscar, and his career and personal story are extraordinary. We embraced because of our shared history on X-Men.”
In his post, Jackman revealed that Quan was part of the stunt team for the 2000 film and had a serious influence on him. “Quan was exceptional. I learned a lot about action and stunts from him, so it was great to reconnect and reminisce,” Jackman noted.
Quan also shared their reunion on social media, posting a selfie with Jackman. He described watching Deadpool & Wolverine as “awesome” and reminisced about their last encounter 24 years ago on the X-Men set.
“Hugh Jackman is just as kind as I remember,” Quan wrote. He extended his congratulations to Jackman, Ryan Reynolds, and the Deadpool team for their record-breaking opening, adding a heartfelt “Bravo.”
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