Mookie Betts Trades Baseball Cleats for Red Carpet Shoes at Golden Globes

Red Carpet Shoes at Golden Globes (MLB Shop)

Mookie Betts, the Los Angeles Dodgers’ star slugger, made a stylish appearance on the red carpet Sunday night, showcasing his entrepreneurial spirit as the owner of his own media company, OMG (Oh My Goodness).

Accompanied by his partners, Cam Lewis and Jeff Mason, Betts marked a milestone for his company, which he founded in 2020 as a potential post-baseball career venture.

Mookie Betts’s cleats with special meaning (MLB Shop)

As they walked the red carpet, Betts expressed his excitement to The Associated Press, “This is our first time being out and being able to attend something like this. We’ve watched it on TV so much.”

He was eager to network with Hollywood’s elite, potentially paving the way for future collaborations. His recent encounter with actor and comedian Will Ferrell at a Los Angeles Kings game hinted at his interest in exploring the entertainment industry.

When asked about his attire, Betts humorously revealed his inexperience in the fashion world, struggling to describe his sleek black suit.

Mookie Betts Cleats (MLB Shop)

He wore a black bow tie, a silver lapel pin, and a black brimmed hat, but his response was simple: “I’m wearing confidence.” This moment showcased Betts’ humility and willingness to learn outside of his baseball expertise.

As the owner of OMG, Betts is taking steps to establish himself in the media world. His presence at the Golden Globes demonstrates his commitment to exploring new opportunities and building connections in the industry. With his charismatic personality and business acumen, Mookie Betts is poised to make a lasting impact both on and off the field.