A Forgettable Script Holds Back a Talented Cast in ‘Memory’

A Forgettable Script Holds Back a Talented Cast in 'Memory' (Discovery Global)

“Memory” is a disappointing and forgettable film that fails to deliver a meaningful exploration of its characters’ struggles. Despite the talents of its leads, Jessica Chastain and Peter Sarsgaard, the movie’s shallow script and insensitive direction make it a cringeworthy watch.

Writer-director Michel Franco’s approach to tackling complicated issues like alcoholism, dementia, childhood molestation, and stalking is woefully inadequate.

A forgettable scene that was held in memory of the cast (Discovery Global)

Rather than providing a thoughtful examination of these topics, Franco resorts to simplistic resolutions and contrived plot twists.

The film’s central romance between Sylvia and Sal is particularly unconvincing, with the two characters falling in love despite their troubled pasts and questionable behavior.

The dialogue is stilted and unnatural, with characters speaking in clichés and platitudes. A reunion scene features excruciatingly vapid exchanges, with characters gushing over how “amazing” everyone looks. It’s a painful reminder of the script’s inadequacies.

Franco’s direction is equally problematic, with a lack of sensitivity and nuance in handling serious issues. A character is chastised for using the term “pedophile,” with no alternative expression offered, leaving the audience wondering what language is acceptable.

Josh Charles is wasted in a thankless role as Sal’s mean-spirited brother, Isaac. “Memory” is a mess, with a talented cast squandered on a subpar script and direction. Franco’s failure to provide a thoughtful exploration of complicated issues makes this film a waste of time.