Fortnite Arrives on Car Bumpers Through Sony Partnership

Fortnite to Partner with Sony (Afeela)

Sony and Honda’s upcoming Afeela EV is pushing the boundaries of in-car technology with its innovative “Media Bar” feature.

This front bumper display allows drivers to showcase messages, images, and even advertisements, including video game logos like Fortnite and Spider-Man.

Fortnite appears on car bumpers via Sony partnership (Afeela)

While practical uses like displaying the car’s name or warning signs are shown, the ability to promote video games raises concerns about distracted driving.

The Afeela’s interior is equally packed with controversial tech, including “Monster View,” which overlays virtual monsters on the dashboard screen, encouraging drivers to “catch” them.

This feature seems to prioritize entertainment over safety, and its potential to distract drivers is alarming. Additionally, the massive dashboard screen allows for movie viewing, a feature that poses serious distraction risks.

The Afeela’s prototype phase has raised eyebrows, and its features have sparked debate about the role of technology in vehicles.

While innovation is crucial, safety should remain the top priority. With a planned 2026 release in North America, Sony and Honda may need to reassess some of these features to ensure driver safety.

As the automotive industry continues to evolve, it’s essential to strike a balance between innovation and responsibility.

The Afeela’s cutting-edge technology is impressive, but it’s crucial to consider the potential consequences of distracted driving. By prioritizing safety and practicality, Sony and Honda can create a revolutionary vehicle that sets a new standard for the industry.