Sutton Urges Osimhen to Choose Arsenal Over Chelsea

Chris Sutton urged Oshimhen to choose Arsenal over Chelsea (AFCON)

Chris Sutton, a former Chelsea striker, has urged Victor Osimhen to prioritize a move to Arsenal over Chelsea, citing the Gunners’ superior squad depth and potential for growth.

In an interview with BBC’s Monday Night Club, Sutton emphasized that Osimhen’s talent surpasses what both Chelsea and Arsenal currently possess.

He noted that Arsenal is improving and desperate for a skilled striker like Osimhen, who would be a remarkable upgrade over their current options. Sutton acknowledged Chelsea’s potential, recognizing that they have talented players and could surprise next season.

Chelsea striker, has urged Victor Osimhen to prioritize a move to Arsenal over Chelsea (FIFA)

However, he believes that Arsenal offers a more appealing environment for Osimhen to thrive. Sutton’s advice to Osimhen is to prioritize ambition and choose the team that can best support his goals, which he believes is Arsenal.

With Osimhen’s impressive skills and Arsenal’s desire for a top striker, Sutton sees a potential match made in heaven. He envisions Osimhen forming a deadly partnership with Arsenal’s talented attacking midfielders, leading the team to new heights.

Sutton’s comments have sparked interest in the football world, as fans and pundits alike watch with anticipation to see where Osimhen will eventually land.

As the transfer window heats up, Osimhen’s decision will be closely watched. Will he choose Arsenal, as Sutton advises, or will he opt for Chelsea or another top club? One thing is certain: Victor Osimhen’s future is bright, and his next move will have a serious  impact on the football landscape.