From Pixels to Pictures: The Unsuccessful Journey of The Sims Movie

The Sims Movie (YouTube/SatchOnSims)

When Margot Robbie announced plans to produce a movie based on The Sims, many wondered how a game without a plot could be adapted. However, this isn’t the first attempt at a Sims movie.

In 2007, 20th Century Fox acquired the rights, and screenwriter Brian Lynch (Puss in Boots, Minions) wrote a script. Lynch’s take was a wish-fulfillment adventure about a teenager who creates his ideal life in the game, only to see it spiral out of control in the real world.

The Sims (YouTube/SatchOnSims)

The script drew inspiration from Weird Science and Bruce Almighty, with a teen comedy vibe reminiscent of Steven Spielberg’s Amblin films. Lynch’s vision had the backing of EA and Fox execs, including The Sims creator Will Wright. However, the project eventually stalled due to its expensive special effects and live-action approach.

Despite the challenges, Lynch believes the game offers plenty of material for a movie, citing its recurring characters, expansion packs, and intricate family trees. He even suggests that the mysterious disappearance of Bella Goth could be a great movie plot.

With a new Sims movie in the works, produced by Robbie’s LuckyChap and directed by Kate Herron (Loki), Lynch is eager to see their take.

He also expresses interest in adapting another EA game, SSX Tricky, into a movie, envisioning a snowboarding action film with a Scott Pilgrim-esque style and an incredible soundtrack.